Downswing creations

Putting pen to paper is sometimes as easy as breathing, and sometimes an insurmountable task. Days when the ink flows automatically and thoughts lend themselves to being told are the most peaceful ones in my experience. On the other hand, there are also days when every thought spirals, every sorrow snowballs, every tear demands to be shed and the pen, oh the pen just refuses to cooperate! On such days, I believe, it’s better to put poetry aside and create art instead. Why? Because the thing about art is that it’s never ugly or beautiful. It exists and that’s all there is to it.


Is it strawberry picking season yet?

Asking for a friend, really,

Who likes her sweets with a hint of sourness

With whipped cream or chocolates that’ve got a little bit of darkness

Ripe red

Juicy insides


And ice creams besides

You’ll let me know when it’s time for strawberry picking, right?

I’ll hold on till then.

The End of the World?

I was always scared of following someone to the end of the world. Until I realised, they don’t mean the literal world, they mean what the world means for the follower – they follow the one they love, their entire world, till the end of the world as they know it. Since I’ve come to this realisation, I’ve become even more scared of following someone to the end of my world for the fear of falling off the edge.

Siren Song

I’m looking for a new song to hum tonight. Not like a lullaby yet a salve for the soul. A tune for all ages. The words haunting. A treble that trembles and a bass as deep as the woods. A siren’s call. A devil’s snare. A lure. A trap. An unattempted dare.

I’m looking for a new song to hum tonight. Can you fathom its dulcet tones?